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Cane Cares Golf Tournament Featured in SD Union-Tribune For 2nd Straight Year

Our 4th Annual Cane Cares golf tournament was an even bigger success than last year—our deepest thanks to all of our donors and sponsors! We’re absolutely thrilled to have raised nearly $20,000 to prevent homelessness in San Diego.

In related news, we’re incredibly excited to see our Cane Cares Golf Tournament featured in the San Diego Union-Tribune for the second year in a row! The article is live on their website now, and will be going out in the paper edition soon.

We’re proud to have our charitable work acknowledged, highlighting our deep commitment to supporting the community. Our partnership with the Sister League of San Diego has strengthened our resolve, and with this recognition, we’re inspired to expand our efforts and positively impact even more lives.

Nearly $20,000 Raised Cane Cares’ 4th Annual Golf Tournament!

We are thrilled to announce that this year’s 4th Annual Cane Cares Golf Tournament was another tremendous success! We raised a remarkable sum of nearly $20,000 to combat homelessness in San Diego. Our charity partner Sister League of San Diego will be receiving the first $10,000 of those funds. We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our sponsors, donors, and participants—your generosity and commitment made this event possible! The tournament brought together our amazing community of golfers and local businesses for a fantastic day on the green—not just for the love of the game, but to support a cause that makes a real difference in the lives of women in need across San Diego.

Sister League of San Diego is a local nonprofit dedicated to providing safe, affordable housing to local women. They provide a range of services, including emergency shelter, transitional housing, counseling, and advocacy programs, helping survivors rebuild their lives in a safe and supportive environment. By partnering with the Sister League, Cane Cares is helping to create a safer, more compassionate community for everyone. The funds raised at this year’s tournament will go a long way in providing critical resources and support to those who need it most. Stay tuned for updates following the impact of the funds raised from this year’s tournament!

We’re already looking forward to next year’s Cane Cares Golf Tournament—our FIFTH annual event—where we aim to raise even more to prevent homelessness in San Diego. Here’s to many more years of caring, community, and making a difference!

Cane Cares & PATH: Over 30 Lives Changed in 2024!

In June and July, Cane Cares’ $10,000 in funding for People Assisting The Homeless helped yet another 5 individuals with housing needs ranging from rental assistance to moving to utilities. In total, our funding for PATH this year has helped 31 people find housing, employment and stability.

Case manager Larry Major Jr. shared yet another moving and powerful example of how this funding benefits those who need it most: “A 52-year-old woman who had been living in her vehicle with her four children for almost a year…received help finding childcare and [employment]. The outreach case manager also assisted her in finding a unit for her family to move into. Cane Cares provided financial assistance for the first month’s rent and the security deposit for the new home.”

We’re overjoyed by the impact we’ve been able to make by partnering with PATH, and we look forward to working with them again in the future.

In the shorter term, Cane Cares is preparing for our annual charity golf tournament on September 20th, where we hope to raise an even more impressive round of funding to continue making a difference across San Diego. Register now to help us continue changing lives!

Cane Cares Helps House 26 People So Far in 2024

Funding from Cane Cares assisted in lifting another four people out of homelessness in May, raising the total number of people we’ve helped shelter this year to 26. Our continued partnership with PATH has proven to be one of our most powerful tools for helping those in need throughout San Diego.

Outreach Program Manager Julie Germain shared yet another heartwarming success story. A client who’d been homeless for years had his documents stolen, but PATH helped him replace them and complete paperwork to move into a housing unit, scheduled for April. “Unfortunately, the unit was not furnished, so the client was unable to move in promptly,” Germain said. “With Cane Cares’ funding, we were able to support the client in his new housing by providing a bed, couch, and dresser for his unit. Since receiving the furniture, the client has been staying in his unit and making it his own home.”

Whether our funding provides someone with a warm bed to sleep in, helps them pay for essential utilities, or assists with car repairs that could  get them to a new job, we feel truly honored to be making such a direct impact on the lives of so many in our local community. This is our calling, and we look forward to fulfilling it for many years to come.

Cane Cares Continues To Transform Lives In April

In April 2024, Cane Cares helped another five individuals find and maintain permanent housing, continuing to partner with PATH to help those in need throughout San Diego.

Outreach Program Manager Jenna Halseth shared just one example of our impact: “Client AT has been working with the Multidisciplinary Outreach Team (MDT) since August 2023… The last barrier for the client to be fully independent was paying his past due SDG&E bill, which accumulated while he was transitioning into his new home. With the Cane Cares’ funding, the participant was able to not only pay off the remaining SDG&E balance, but also add credit to his account for future support. Thanks to this funding, the participant is ready to graduate from the MDT program and focus on enjoying his new home.”

We’re delighted by the success of our ongoing relationship with PATH.  Keep an eye out for many more stories of helping unhoused people find shelter in our community.

Cane Cares Spearheads The Fight Against Homelessness

Following Cane Cares’ $10,000 donation to People Assisting the Homeless, stories of our incredible impact are pouring in. In January alone, we helped house four chronically homeless people, including a 74-year-old woman who had been unsheltered for 30 years.

PATH’s Outreach Program Manager, Brice Michalek shared this moving story: “In May 2022, our Outreach team encountered a 74-year-old woman who had been living unsheltered for three decades, facing physical disabilities, substance abuse, and mental health struggles. Despite initial reluctance to outreach services, our Outreach team persisted, building rapport over weeks until she accepted services.

“Finally, on 1/12/24, the client secured housing in a senior living apartment, thanks to the persistent efforts and advocation of the Outreach PATH team. Utilizing Cane Cares funds, her new home was furnished with a full-sized bed, a couch, a dining room table, and a dresser. …[T]he collaboration of good people ensured this client beat the odds and now enjoys a secure and comfortable forever home.”

We’re so proud to be able to help people who’ve been struggling for years get their lives back again. And since only 43% of our donation has been spent so far, there are certain to be further inspiring stories to come. Stay tuned!

Cane Cares Donates $10,000 to PATH

Following our spectacular fundraising season, Cane Cares has just donated $10,000 to a special proprietary fund with People Assisting The Homeless! These funds will be specially allocated for preventing homelessness locally in San Diego. A huge thank you to all who donated and helped make this a reality!

This is just the latest way we’re making a difference in our community. Check back in a few weeks for impact stories that show how your donations have touched the lives of people in need across our city.

Cane Cares Golf Tournament Featured in San Diego Union-Tribune

Cane Cares golf tournament SD Union-Tribune article

Our 3rd Annual Cane Cares golf tournament was a huge success—our most heartfelt thanks to everyone who’s been a part of our efforts! We’re so excited to have raised over $15,000 to prevent homelessness in San Diego.

On a related note, we’re thrilled to see our Cane Cares Golf Tournament featured in the San Diego Union-Tribune! The article is live on their website now, and went out in their Oct. 30, 2023 paper edition.

It’s an honor to have our charitable efforts recognized, and it truly reflects our commitment to giving back to the community. We’re more motivated than ever to continue our mission, and with the support and visibility from this feature, we’re optimistic about reaching and helping even more people.

Cane Cares 2nd Annual Golf Tournament

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the golfers, sponsors, and volunteers who contributed to the success of Cane Cares 2nd Annual Golf Tournament! Your unwavering support helped us raise thousands towards preventing homelessness in our city. Your selflessness and commitment to this cause have made a significant difference in the lives of those who are struggling. We eagerly anticipate meeting you all again next year to continue this noble endeavor.

Click to view event photos.

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