Funding from Cane Cares assisted in lifting another four people out of homelessness in May, raising the total number of people we’ve helped shelter this year to 26. Our continued partnership with PATH has proven to be one of our most powerful tools for helping those in need throughout San Diego.

Outreach Program Manager Julie Germain shared yet another heartwarming success story. A client who’d been homeless for years had his documents stolen, but PATH helped him replace them and complete paperwork to move into a housing unit, scheduled for April. “Unfortunately, the unit was not furnished, so the client was unable to move in promptly,” Germain said. “With Cane Cares’ funding, we were able to support the client in his new housing by providing a bed, couch, and dresser for his unit. Since receiving the furniture, the client has been staying in his unit and making it his own home.”

Whether our funding provides someone with a warm bed to sleep in, helps them pay for essential utilities, or assists with car repairs that could  get them to a new job, we feel truly honored to be making such a direct impact on the lives of so many in our local community. This is our calling, and we look forward to fulfilling it for many years to come.