Cane Cares’ partnership with People Assisting The Homeless (PATH) continued to touch lives in February, with the total number of individuals rising to 17 so far this year.

PATH Case Manager Martha Baxter described another inspiring story, about an Army veteran who had struggled with substance abuse and been through several San Diego shelters in the past 3 years: “The gentleman originally refused case management services. After some persistence…PATH ensured the veteran with a housing voucher, medical services, psychological evaluations, and reestablished VA services.”

“Finally in February 2024, using a VASH voucher, the client secured housing at Grand Island Apartments in Oceanside. A beautiful new facility that represents dignity and a fresh start for someone working hard to rebuild their life. In order for him to move in, he needed to pay his portion of the rent after the subsidy which the veteran did not have at the time. At this time, Cane Cares stepped in and very quickly made up the difference, so that the veteran can move into his beautiful home. Most importantly, it stopped this veteran’s cycle of moving from one place to another and began his new life with dignity.”

Stories like these are truly what motivates us to continue our work here in San Diego. And we’re excited to raise even more money this coming year at this year’s Cane Cares Golf Tournament on September 20!