Year: 2021

Cane Cares First Annual Golf Tournament

Thank you to all of the golfers, sponsors, and volunteers for supporting Cane Cares First Annual Golf Tournament! We are so grateful for the support and thrilled to have raised over $17,000. Because of each and everyone of you, we are able to make a huge impact on preventing homelessness in San Diego. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year! Please save the date for Friday, October 21st, 2022 for the next tournament.

Click to view event photos. 

Mia Visits Mission Hills Post Acute Care – January, 2021

This Martin Luther King Day our founder’s daughter, Mia, came up with an idea for giving back all on her own. She got to work writing sweet notes to the patients at Mission Hills Post Acute Care, letting them know that they are loved and  that they are not alone. Mia found it fascinating that so many of these patients were alive to witness MLK’s early days as a social activist. They saw him become a leader of the Civil Rights movement and witnessed firsthand the hero that he became and the incredible legacy that he would leave behind.  “You must have such great memories of him,” Mia wrote in her notes. Thanks to Mia’s love letters, the patients at Mission Hills Post Acute Care were able to feel much less alone, as they too reflected on Martin Luther King Day.

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